Monday, December 28, 2009

week 5....where did the transfer go???? no se......

Howdy do Familia?

welll in this letter i don't really know what to talk about.  not much has happened between Christmas and now .... we had a few good lessons, found a new investigator named Amarilla who seems cool, and last night we got chewed out by a drunk mexican ... we taught his wife a lesson about the restoration and then he came in a got all mad cause we were talking about God and they were already catholic so of course they already knew everything ..... the longer i've been on my mission the more efort i require to be patient with people who have closed minds. i dunno, yay for patience.  anywho, so we would have found 2 new investigators but our next lesson with Milbia (drunk guy's wife) is not set because it will depend on if and when she calles us for a return appointment.  the drunk guy asked why we would be so rude to do what we do and go out of our way to talk to people about our religion.  i didn't respond cause the wife was super embarrased and started to fight a bit with him, and i didn't want to get into a fight cause it would have been absolutely worthless and a waste of time.  anyway so yesterday was fun.  Christmas was interesting, a very weird void kinda.  i think it was cause everything and everyone wasn't really focused on missionary work .... plus it was like a  P-day in the middle of the week so we all felt like piles (missionaries who don't do anything).  just weird, it feels good to be focused again on the work and stuff ... and i'm not blaming you, cause it wasn't your fault at all, i think more than anything it was the fact that we had a day of doing nothing in the middle of the week .... so you all sound different except for mom, dad, and both grandma's.  ya'll are getting bigger haha, how was the time with Grandma Matteson?  did you guys do anything fun?  i got the email from Courtney and Kyle, ummmm i don't know courtney's email or kyle's, but i think i have kyle's house address, so i'll write them back there.  today we are going to go to the post office and we are going to ask them about the mail deal.  we both got letters from the post office saying that because our mail forward was not givin 15 days before we "moved" and the length of the forward that we had put, (until january) didn't allow sufficient time for something ... and basically more confuzing stuff like that ...... which all led to them not being able to forward mail, but as a courtasy they have stopped all mail going to the "new address that we didn't move into" and are holding it at the post office.  so whether that means that they actually have something there or not i don't know, we are also going to go by the manager for the apartment complex where we were going to move to ask about the UPS package, the manager just happens to be a less active member in our ward so it is convenient .... if it was delivered the tuesday before christmas then we must have missed it or it wasn't there .... if it was delivered the tuesday before that, then i dunno cause we didn't even find out about the whole "not moving thing" until the friday before christmas so we hadn't begun to check the apartment for mail.  anywho, so hopefully you're not all confuzed now.  the bishopric .... bishop grange maybe???? sent me a card and $20 ... very nice, tell them i say hi and thanks, i'm going to write them a thanks card anyway so if you forget no worries.  how is the weather?  still wonderful and cold?.... mind is blank at the moment.  thanks so much for my line of authority dad, i havne't goten it yet, but i'm excited.  real big important key to the truthfullness of the church.  ok well i don't have anything else really to say,  sorry for the shortness of this letter, i'll repent next week. ;]

i love you all alot and hope and pray for your continued happiness.  if there is anything i can do for you let me know .... mom .... i'm workin on those pictures i promise.  haha, love you all!!

Elder Larsen

Monday, December 21, 2009

Feliz Navidad!!


1st thing's first .... the mission office, or rather, Elder  Benson, the office elder (senior couple from Logan) who is in charge of all apartment stuff, decided to make my christmas and weekend a little more stressed and decided after inspecting the apartment that we weren't going to move .... because of several factors the apartment that we were going to move into is not worth moving.  it's much more noisy and the bedroom windows are real big and open up to busy busy channel islands BLVD, the Carpet is old and has holes??? (found that one hard to believe) the bedrooms are not bigger at all, and the apartment itself isn't any newer than the one we are in .... sooooooo we didn't and aren't going to move ..... we found all this out on wednesday, thursday, or friday i can't remember, and that same day set up a mail forward from the new address back to the old one ..... soooo i really hope that it catches it .... i'm not sure at what point during the process the packege is caught and forwarded but i hope that it ends up at 220 E Yucca st #11 .... because that is where i reside.  it was a really frustrating day when we found that out .... anywho, oh, and poor Elder McCleskey lost his camera card at Rite-Aid when he was printing pics ... .so 8 months of pics gone .... he was really sad ..... and now he is kind of sick .... health wise he isn't doing too well lately, he's still huge and could squish me with his pinky but whatever.  his parents as well sent a few packages to the new address, so we might be going and checking the new address for the next couple of days to see if there are any packages there .... 

This past week was really good as far as missionary work, we taught more lessons and talked to alot of people.  we also had a baptism!  Rocio, who really isn't our investigator but kinda  is, got baptised, she is awesome and super smart and willing to learn.  she was baptized by someone in the other spanish ward, cause she really doesnt know anyone from our ward yet.  and confirmed by our bishop.  the other elders in our ward also had  wedding and a baptism on Saturday that went very smooth.  so it was a good week for the ward.  the ward's attitude about missionary work really starts with us, the missionaries. it's pretty crazy how much of an influence we have on the members .... plus in spanish work, for some reason every spanish member thinks that because we are white and because we are missionaries, we must know everything anyone could possibly know about any gospel subject or class.  we must also be the best organizers/ teachers/ kid watchers/ and singers ..... basically we are super human and can do anything we please.  hahaha its really funny and sometimes ends up with some frustrated missionaries haha but it's ok, me personally, i love helping the members out even though i have more weaknesses than most of them haha.  

We have yet to find someone with free long distance so that i can call you guys on Christmas, we're lookin, no worries.  it's been really great to be able to share messages of christmas with our ward members and investigators, the true spirit of christmas,  we've read luke 2 many a time this past week.  there is a scripture in D&C 88, verse 6 that to me i think describes one of the many reasons that christ was born in a manger.  to be able to understand all that we would some day have to go through, he had to start at the bottom of the totem pole, the most humble circumstance that he could.  christ was born into poverty, surely his parents weren't extremely weathly, they lived a simple humble, life.  and we think, if god had wanted to christ could have been born to a king, or someone with a place in the society of the jewish nation, where he would have had more influence on the jewish leaders and maybe could have saved the jews from the apostate position that they were in.  "what if...." mom taught me alot about that frase.  christ had to learn, grow, progress, just like us, although at a different level and speed.  i have a firm believe that what he had trials and hard times, he just faced them perfectly and without fault.  he lived his life, fulfilled his father's purpose, the measure of his creation, and was raised up, as the scripture says, above all, (i'm not sure what the scripture says in english).  because of these two extremes, the humble beginning and the triumphant ending/present time (cause it really wasn't an "ending") he knows how to "succor his people" as it says in Alma 7.  because of this we are able to have hope and faith and a belief in christ.  and because of the hope faith and belief that we have, we grow more and more closer to him and our father in heaven and more founded upon the rock.  Ok off my soap box and outa time, just wanted to share my feelings with my family because i share them with my members and investigators.  i love you all alot and can't wait to be able to talk to you all on Friday.  have a wonderful week in the snow, don't do anything dumb. Feliz Navidad!

Elder Larsen

Monday, December 14, 2009

Feliz Navidad!!

Larsen Family that resides at 580 E 300 S,

how are you all doing?  thank you so much for my favorite treat of all and your cards .... mom, you're quite creative with the elmo card, i had to look twice before i realized you had changed the wording haha.  and no little note from BHL .... tsk tsk tsk.  that's ok, i still love you.  i definatley don't go long without feeling the love that you all have for me.  i am very grateful to you all.  so this past week was interesting, we got in 2 wrecks, had an awesome zone conference and are now moving from our apartment on Yucca st (YEESSSS).  so for about half of the week it had been raining, and Californians (not all but most) are really bad drivers ..... we were coming out of a parking lot (around 8 at night), waiting in line to get onto the road .... stopped .... when a big Lincoln Navigator rear ended us, they were nice and we got all their info and stuff, as well as a basketball sized dent in our right rear bumper.  then less than 24 hours later (btwn 6-7 PM) we parked on the side of the road, went into our dinner appointment, came out ..... and lo and behold, another bigger dent in the other side of the rear bumper .... this time a hit and run.  Elder Finkle, who is in charge of the cars, wasn't very happy, especially cause we drive a brand new mission car, 2010 ..... so he's not happy, but it wasn't our fault so we're fine.  and, note to all of you who might serve missions later in life: don't get into a wreck, the church has about a bajillion forms to fill out, with numbers and codes, and then they asked me to draw what happened with all these confuzing symbols .... man, and i had to do it twice.  but, whatever happenes, the church is well covered because they ask you to describe just about everything.  anywho, so that was those experiences, Zone conference was on the spirit, and how it is necessary for us to teach with it.  very spiritual meeting, i learned alot.  the mission is basically 2 years of constant changing, improving and re-evaluating one's life.  President also dressed up as Santa and made us laugh for about 20 mins haha he had each of us sit on his knee and he asked us what we wanted for christmas, we had all brought white elephant gifts so he gave us those ..... i got a battery charger, which i promptly gave to the greenie Elder Kay cause he needed one and i already had one .... some pretty funny stuff haha.  

anywho, so we are finally moving out of the Yucca, after 20 years of missionaries!  we will be moving the 21st of December.  so i think i will go to the Post Office and see if they will forward my mail for a while but only really Megan and Aslynn know my real address, sooo maybe you guys could do me a favor and text them or email them to look on my blog or you could just tell them the new address .... anywho, the new apt is super nice and really big, we're excited to get out of our old yuccy apartment.  

Ok a thousand sorrys, Grandma i did get your letter and it's been sitting on my typewriter waiting until today, i will respond to your letter i promise.  i'm like 2 or 3 weeks behind on my letter writing, plus i'm going to try and get some kind of christmas card put together today so today i have more time to focus on getting letters out and written and stuff.  plus i finally found some white out for my typewriter, so now i can use it, which makes writing letters sooo much faster.

OK, dad thanks so much for working on the Authority Line.  just to know that one can directly trace his authority back to Christ is a testimony builder.  a testimony of the restoration really is essencial.  the only thing that should come before it is a firm testimony of Jesus Christ, but the two go hand in hand as do most of the gosple principles.  so the sisters in 5th Ward (the other spanish ward) were teaching this lady named Rocio, and she was ready to get baptised and everything, then she moved into our area, so now we have the oportunity to teach her and help her progress toward the waters of baptism, I don't really count her as one of my investigators because i don't feel as if i have done anything significant in her path to baptism, but it is still exciting to be able to see someone take the steps that bring them closer to the Lord.  anyway, her baptism is this Wednesday at 6 o Clock, it should be awesome as all baptizms are.

ummmm i'm not really sure at what time i'm going to call because of the fact that we still don't know where we are going to make the calls .... i'm hoping that it will be morning or early afternoon, but i'm not sure, i will try to get it all set and let you all know next Monday.  the calls are supposed to last for 45 mins tops ........ don't really know how that will work out cause i want to talk with everyone .... i dunno.

my "hump day" was good, we went to Ventura for a doctors appointment for the McCleskinator, it was fun, ventura is a very beautiful city on the coast.  ate at In n Out, extremely good food!!!  then came back and did missionary work YAY!!  sounds like alot of Farewells ... wow, they all sound like they will be awesome missionaries.  BHL's gonna be an Elder .... that is awesome!  big step in life, has he started to fill out mission forms yet?  i hope David continues to investigate, i to hope that he will one day join, remember, you don't have to wear a little black tag to be a missionary! ;]

i wish you all a merry christmas, it doesn't feel the same with out you all, and without snow, but the light of Christ, spirit of christmas, whatever you want to call it, is here in Oxnard.  we are going to go caroling as a district to some of our members, it's going to be awesome!

Church is true, Resoration happened, we are loved by many, John 3:16 is an evidence of that.  i love you all and wish everyone a Feliz Navidad!


Elder Larsen

Monday, December 7, 2009

Howdy from the West (more west than you)!!!!

what is up my familia?

i am here in Oxnard and very wet!!  It started pouring today and is supposed to rain for the whole week ... supposedly ... i think maybe 2 days at the max, we'll see. mom no worries, i did get your letter on Saturday, we also lost the mail key that day after we got the mail ... but today we got a new one so no need to worry, all is well in Oxnard.  soooo 2 things, to start with ...1... I'm old and half way dead ...2... Christmas Calls are aproching!!!  what time would be best for you guys?  we still haven't got a member to let us ... well we haven't asked yet, but we will ask soon or see if we can use someone's phone.  i just need to know the preferred time.  that is awesome about all the missionaries leaving for their missions, the Webbs man ... they're crazy, they will have alot of cool experiences in Ukraine.  this week the work picked up a bit, we worked hard and it paided off.  we found or rather began to teach again, a couple, who had investigated the church at the beginning of the year, they are awesome and seem to be interested again, sometimes things just take time.  we will do our best to help them progress.  as well, the Sisters in our District had one of their Investigators move into our area ... so now we have to teach her ... and i say "have to" because neither Elder McCleskey nor I feel worthy or capable to teach one of the sisters' investigators ... sisters are all cool and creative and stuff ........ and we're just Elders .... but we have yet to meet her, hopefully tomorrow.  so yeah this week flew by and we are doing good.  Elder McCleskey is starting some new drug for his heart that will hopefullly help him to be able to run for more than 2 seconds (exageration) the down side is that for 2-ish weeks the side affects are grumpy-ness and sleepyness .... so he's been quite irratable lately, and tiredness not so much anymore, anywho, so yeah ... the Pics from Thanksgiving look awesome haha!  Firepit, HA so we had Hand Sanitizer fire races haha put a glob of HS on the edge of the sink, wait for it to start sliding, then light the trail on fire and watch the fire catch the car glob thing ... then we made cool designs in the sink and found cool ways to light them .... oh what we do when we're bored .... Elder McCleskey is a Pyro!  Righteous long board DUUUUDE, that's Cali talk, although i've never heard it yet (you could be from Cali Kenidee) Spulunking, Cowboy garb ... HAHA laughed especially hard at Rich haha.  that's crazy how your elementary school is still up and running (not implying your old ;] ).  hahaha i'll bet Kenidee was embarrased hahaha.  The Family reunion looked fun, all them 2nd cousins and stuff, i remember some pretty funny people from those reunions.  Cameron and Chase look older and much bigger and Rich and Kim look great too, i'm glad to know that everyone is healthy and happy.  Yearbook stuff sounds stressful, that's probably why they picked  you to do it all mom, cause you're awesome at getting stuff done under high stress.  i'll miss Texas .... kinda sad honestly, i liked that dog, i hope he finds a good home somewhere ..... and if not .... well .... all dogs go to heaven (true statement).  WHOA Derek, how'd you land that sweet of a deal??? jeezz you just have the luck for winning stuff .... I-pod, $100 of free money ... Jock part is ok i guess ... cool bean, chidos frijoles .... HA.  so i got to watch the Christmas Devotional Last night, i hope you ALL (BHL and TRL included) watched it cause it was awesome.  really good talks about the christmas season and where our hearts and minds should be.  the Prophet is aging fast ... it's crazy.  good music too .... the MTC .... HA Mormon Tabernacle Choir, has this really cool 3 disc set of christmas music i think. it's super cool ..... you guys should by it for yourselfs to be able to listen to awesome christmas music then make copies and send them to me.  haha just kidding ..... but seriously ;}}}}  I'm in a weird mood, i love this time of year, even though it is nothing like i'm used to ... no snow, no mountains, no family, no huge tree (still have my little one from last year).  but the spirit of christmas is still here among the missonaries, i want to go caroling with the spanish hymns ... man, i'm sorry, but the hymns and chirstmas songs in spanish totally whamp the ones in english, might be a little biased ... but they are way cool, we might sing one or two (cause we love to sing) on one of those little micro tapes, and send them to you guys ... maybe ....   might do it on the camera.  alright my family, my time is growing short, i hope that you all are doing something special this year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, reading scriptures, doing those cool story count down things, singing christmas hymn/songs or just showing your love for people by serving them.  i hope that you are all happy and cheerful.  i love you all.  never doubt the love that our father has for us, it is evident in our daily lives how we honor and show appriecietion for that love.  se quiden, hasta el proximo lunes.

Feliz Navidad!!!

Elder Larsen